University of Westminster มีวิทยาเขตทั้งหมด 4 แห่งคือ Cavendish Campus, Marylebone Campus, Regent Campus ตั้งอยู่ใจกลางกรุง London และ Harrow Campus ตั้งอยู่ที่ด้านตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือของกรุง London นักศึกษาที่จบหลักสูตรจากที่นี่สามารถเข้าทำงานในบริษัทชั้นนำของโลกอย่าง BBC, Barclays, NHS และ Harrods
มหาวิทยาลัยแบ่งหลักสูตรการสอนผ่านทาง 3 วิทยาลัยดังนี้
College of Design, Creative and Digital Industries
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Westminster Business School
TOP 10 UK: Land and Property Management, Middle Eastern and African Studies
TOP 20 UK: Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, Art and Design, Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, Drama, Dance and Cinematics, Film production & Photography, Building, Town and Country Planning and Landscape
TOP 25 UK: Architecture, Fashion & Textiles, Linguistics
TOP 35 UK: Creative Writing, Food Science, Politics, Architecture, Art and Design, Communication and Media Studies, Accounting and Finance, Anatomy and Physiology
WORLD’S TOP 100: Communication and Media Studies, Art and Design
WORLD’S TOP 150: Architecture, Drama
* Source Guardian, Times, Complete University Guide, QS World Rankings
Title | University | Region | Course Name | Link | |
Pre-Master | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Science and Engineering (Pre-Master’s) | Click | Apply | |
Pre-Master | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Business, Law and Social Sciences (Pre-Master’s) | Click | Apply | |
Undergraduate | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Business (International Year One) | Click | Apply | |
Foundation | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Art and Design (Foundation Certificate) | Click | Apply | |
Foundation | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Business, Law and Social Sciences (Foundation Certificate) | Click | Apply | |
Foundation | University of Westminster (Via Pathway Provider) | England, | Science and Engineering (Foundation Certificate) | Click | Apply |